Messed With The Bull
R.I.P. Paul Gleason (1944-2006)
"The next time I have to come in here I'm crackin' skulls. "
What rolls down stairs alone or in pairs, Rolls over your neighbor's dog? What's great for a snack and fits on your back? It's Blog, Blog, Blog! It's Blo-og, Blo-og, it's big, it's heavy, it's wood. It's Blo-og, Blo-og, it's better than bad, it's good! Everyone wants a Blog! You're gonna love it, Blog! Come on and get your Blog! Everyone needs a Blog!
R.I.P. Paul Gleason (1944-2006)
Long live the Summer Schedule!!!
"Hi! I'm, uh, 29! Just like you! Let's play doctor!"
Damn, it's a good thing I have 3 Tivos!!!
WAL-MERICA. The name says it all. The overweight family of 6-12, living out an uneducated existence dependent on informational spoon-feedings during the commercial breaks of Everyone Loves Raymond reruns and whatever snowjob's being spun on the local Fox News affiliate. Slow to listen, quick to ban. America good, you bad. What Pastor Dave says the 700 Club says the Bible says is what I agree with 100%, so you must be wrong and going to hell. 'Wal-Merica, where we're protected by the fine folks at Wal-Mart, Fox and Doctor Phil. WAL-MERICA. We're not a red state! We're WHITE, dammit.'
Don't be fooled. 'My Super Ex-Girlfriend' is not a super-hero movie. It's a romantic comedy about a crazy ex who HAPPENS to have super powers. And how the boy must enlist a super-villain to defeat her. Bring it on!
This will be AWESOME or SUCKTASTIC. Either way, I'm totally going as Ghost Rider for Halloween. I already have a bunch of sterno to rub on my head. It's gonna be SWEET.
It's about TIME. Man. I only have so many fingers and it's distracting trying to keep track sometimes. Thankfully Entertainment Weekly has taken this burden off my hands.
There will be a new update tomorrow, probably, but through LAST weekend, we're at 4,044. Thanks mostly to the people who drowned in POSEIDON.
The reason so many people fear immigrants is that 99.3% of them have been Vampires starting back in 1982.
Do you think Richard Hatch will run around naked in prison? (though from this photo, he's already comfy in prison PJs)
Been one year since the "Wedding of the Century: The One To Hold All Others Against, Yes, Even Yours, I Am Sorry To Say"
Upon your death I cried, and now you are risen and I cry again!!
I'd seen some of Wonder Showzen and it was really funny, but now I'm watching the whole DVD set.
If you knew me 8 years ago, you knew I was somewhat content in my cargo pants and crappy high top sneakers and a sweatshirt. Why? Cuz shoes sucked, jeans sucked, most clothing sucked. Even TV sucked and music pretty much blew at the time as well. And so did a lot of the movies. The mid-nineties BLEW. And at some point during that time, a company called Northwave, that made snowboard boots, ran a line of sneakers that kicked ass. At a closing out sale, I bought 6 pairs. Almost 10 years ago.
Since I'm on a judgemental streak...
I won't lie, I'm a comic book geek. I love them. Worked in a store for years through high school. Still read them. I'm not ashamed of this, but I don't advertise it. I don't have a Superman tattoo (though I do have others, but more subtle), I don't wear giant Spider-Man club shirts, or put posters on the wall. (crap, I do have a Sin City poster, but of the MOVIE)
OK, the posts are a week late, but he'll never know. Oh, you can try and rat me out, but he'll never believe you over me. Anyway, I dropped him off at daycare (Bow Wow Bungalow in Burbank, they're awesome) for his birthday and they had cake and birthday hats. Which had the Incredible Hulk on them. Which was sweet.
I am spending my summer doing NOTHING. Well, reading. Maybe catching up on DVDs and a few summer TV shows. Blade starts in June. Yeah, I'm watching it, what of it? Anyway, books. Here's the stack I piled up. It doesn't include a few, uh, sequels? Are books in a series called sequels? I don't read enough to know. I'm missing a few sequels in there. If I like the first one. So I have stuff from Stephen King's Dark Tower finale to Palahniuk and Ellis' new ones to classics like Geek Love and the Chronicles of Narnia. I deliberately got a WIDE spread of books of all genres and difficulty levels so I would always have something I was in the mood to read. Which is how I roll. THAT is why I have such a HUGE DVD collection. I always have what I want at that exact time. Oh, and I'm an obsessive compulsive collector.
Behold the glory! The tiki bar was broken in last weekend and nothing broke/fell off/caught fire! And that's a win x10 in my book. The sand even stayed inside! For the most part, anyway. Now that it's done, what next you ask? NOTHING! For now. I finished JUST in time. It's too damn hot to work outside now. But sitting in my new adirondack chair, sipping margaritas and reading? Yes. Indeed. The invitation to hang out is always open! Just warn me first so I can deactivate the spiked spring trap I built when I finished the rolling bar. (I got a little overzealous)
Having TiVo means never having to say you're sorry...for throwing the remote at the TV when Veronica Mars cuts to a commercial break. It's a fact: most commercials suck. But not this one. No. Not this one.