What rolls down stairs alone or in pairs, Rolls over your neighbor's dog? What's great for a snack and fits on your back? It's Blog, Blog, Blog! It's Blo-og, Blo-og, it's big, it's heavy, it's wood. It's Blo-og, Blo-og, it's better than bad, it's good! Everyone wants a Blog! You're gonna love it, Blog! Come on and get your Blog! Everyone needs a Blog!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Goodbye! Farewell! Auf Wiedersehen! Adieu!

OK, OK, OK!! I know, I've been blog-lazy for almost 3 weeks, but I have been a little pre-occupied!! We're off to Australia! Finally! Tomorrow!!!!

1 day away!

What you see pictured here is what I will be seeing for the next 3 weeks. It is what I will get off a plane to, it's what I will end the night on, it's what lunch and breakfast will look like. Possible dinner as well. Along with meat pies.

I am so damn excited to get back to Melbourne, I can't even tell you. I haven't seen my friends there in almost 9 years, which is ridiculously long. We used to have to write letters, because e-mail wasn't so easy to get. That's how long ago that was.

Sure there will also be sight-seeing and shopping, but that's all secondary.

Got the passports, Visas, video iPod loaded with movies, Lunestra, crappy drop-as-you-finish books, crosswords, chargers, cameras.

Oh! And they relaxed the security again, so now you ladies can take your makeup on the plane again as long as it isn't in liquid or gel form.

So it looks like we're set! There's some last minute work stuff to settle up, but in the end, I probably won't care.


Originally uploaded by macslost.
I saw this little documentary on IFILM and I don't think I want to go to Grauman's Chinese anymore...

Snakes in a Mother@*#&'in Theater!!

"OMG! Did you hear?! It was totally on CNN. Some crazy guy let loose a bunch of rattlesnakes in a Phoenix movie showing of Snakes on a PLanE!!!!"

"Really?!?! That's not what I heard. I heard that two high school students only let loose two snakes in the theater."

"Oh yeah? Well it turns out that there was only ONE snake. And it was in the hallway. Outside the theater. You know, like they do sometimes in ARIZONA. You know, where rattlenakes LIVE."

This is a great example of the media wanting SO HARD to believe it was true that they just ran the story without asking anyone. It was kinda awesome, though.

On a side note, SNAKES ON A MOTHER@*#&'IN PLANE is F@#&'IN SWEET. Some GREAT death scenes.

Alternate title: Snakes On Crack, as they are referred to several times during the film.

Creepy = Awesome

Creepy = Awesome
Originally uploaded by macslost.
So I HAD to go to Hawaii for our LOST: Season Two DVD Launch party last week. It was actually pretty much a non-event. I was in and out in 3 days, barely had time to spend at the pool/beach, but it wasn't super busy or stressful either (unlike the maniacal season one party in Hawaii last year, geez)


Anyway, red carpet time came and I was part of the general talent handling pool and totally called dibs on Michael Emerson, who plays the super creepy Henry Gale on Lost. General rule of thumb: The creepier/assholey a character on TV is, the super-nicer they are in real life and Michael was great. News from him: He is a regular in the credits next year, The Others are a much bigger part of the show, Desmond is also a regular.

That's about it. I limited the Mai Tai intake this time around, too. Those things have WAY too much sugar in them.

The Penny

The Penny
Originally uploaded by macslost.
Well, as we get all set to gallivant across the land down under (by gallivant I mean stumble between bars in the city, no Dirtback for me) Miss Moneypenny had her "eval" at doggie daycare.

They told me it would take 20 minutes, but 4 minutes in they came out and said "Yeah, she's awesome, we're done." To which another employee said "How is it fair that you have two totally awesome dogs? I have two dogs and they're both psychos."

I'm told that a dog's behavior reflects the personality of their owner. But I didn't say that out loud. I think the same applies to cats. Which explains why a lot of cats are assholes. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Zing! Boo-ya!

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Trailery Goodness!!!!!

Trailery Goodness!!!!!
Originally uploaded by macslost.

Martin Scrosese is back!! With Jack Nicholson, Alec Baldwin, Martin Sheen, Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon and Mark Wahlberg. Didja like 'Heat'? Here we go again!

Badassery ensues!!! Joe Carnahan directs mayhem with Ben Affleck, Ryan Reynolds, Jeremy Piven, Jason Bateman, Peter Berg, Andy Garcia, Alicia Keyes and Ray Liotta! Madness!

DUH! Tenacious D!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Darth Vader being a smartass

I'd do it. You'd do it. He did it.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

We all float down here...

We all float down here...
Originally uploaded by macslost.
I have no idea why I felt like posting that.

Just a pleasant reminder that clowns suck.

Hello Darthy!

Hello Darthy!
Originally uploaded by macslost.
Sadly, I did NOT see this amazing outfit at Nerdicon 2006. This had to be sent to me by my friend Clare in Melbourne. Which makes me all the more excited to go in a few weeks! I hope I run into Hello Darthy at a local pub.

That would be sooooo sweeeeeet.

1 & 1/2 Robots

1 & 1/2 Robots
Originally uploaded by macslost.
So Dinah's 1975 birthday was awesome. I spent about 5 hours downloading the hits and TV theme songs from 1975 which made about 5 hours of awesomeness for a soundtrack.

I sported the Six Million Dollar Man jogging regalia and Dinah was a Stepford Wife. Everyone came in some sort of 70's costume and I think the party started at 7 and we crashed at 3. So, all in all, good times.

Got 50 grand? Vincent Gallo's your man!

Unless you're a dude. Then you're SOL.

And sperm costs a cool mil.

Gill-i-am! Gill-i-am! Gill-i-am!

Gill-i-am! Gill-i-am! Gill-i-am!
Originally uploaded by macslost.
Now that we can put the ass-fest that is 'Brothers Grimm' behind us, Terry Gilliam gives us a new hope for the future! Check out Tideland!


Originally uploaded by macslost.
I had to work a 'Shaggy Dog' remake event on Dinah's actual birthday. The movie is a painful, painful, abortion of a film, but the event was awesome. We staged a dog-only red carpet with a guest appearance by the shaggy dog's co-star, Crystal, who was a MONKEY. Monkeys are the most awesome things EVER. Especially when they are too small to rip off your face/foot/genitals.


Originally uploaded by macslost.
So. Damn. Cute.

San Diego Nerdicon 2006

San Diego Nerdicon 2006
Originally uploaded by macslost.
For years I have been reading about the nerd-fest that is the San Diego Comic-con and all the glory it brings. The costumes, panels, movies & trailers, yadda, yadda. This year I was hellbent on going, then no one wanted to go and then at the last minute my friend Alf decided 'why the hell not' and we drove down at the ass-crack of dawn to enjoy the Saturday bit of the four-day event.

We got down there without a lick of traffic, got parking right across the street and popped into the Hilton's bar for a breakfast buffet and Bloody Marys. A few Bloody Marys, to be exact. It was pretty lucky we went there, as well, since we ran into a couple of my coworkers, who hooked us up with free passes to walk right in when it opened. And a good thing, too, because this place is a madhouse.

We waltzed in right after it opened and took a quick wander through the exhibitor hall, where every movie studio, home video, TV and comic book studio was pimping their new stuff. And unless you are a big fan of mini posters, there's not a lot of cool stuff to collect, unless you want to overpay for knick-knacks and artwork.

After walking around for about an hour, we decided to pop upstairs to check out the panels. There were a lot of panels and they were either empty or had 1000 people waiting in line for them, and we all know how I feel about lines. @&#*$^# that.

The really sad part was the autograph pen that had people like Marc Singer (of whom I was a big fan of in 'V' and 'Beastmaster') but no one was talking to him and he looked haggard. I just felt bad. And he was probably the biggest star in there. It was really sad.

We popped into the Greg The Bunny panel, but once the fans started the Q&A it became painful, so we decided to stop into the 'VIP' area. Yeah, they had bad coffee and nothing else. Woo VIP!

So the panels were out (lame or crowded) so we decided to pop back down and do a more thorough run through the exhibitor hall. By now the place is PACKED and it's 112 degrees outside and heating up in here as well. So we decided the best option at this point is to take as many lame pictures as possible and get out before we cracked under the pressure of the crowd and the heat.

So I got retarded with Frankenberry...


Alf picked a fight with Batman...


and I copped a feel on Supertran...er...Supergirl. He/She was very tall.


We didn't get a whole lot of other costume photos because they were all either Jedi or fat/lazy Indiana Jones costumes. It was very disappointing.

So in the end, we were enjoying Endless Summer beer at the bar across the street less than four hours after going in. I read more info online Sunday morning in 15 minutes than I got from four hours of actually being there. Soooo, I don't think I need to be hitting that Con up anytime soon.