What rolls down stairs alone or in pairs, Rolls over your neighbor's dog? What's great for a snack and fits on your back? It's Blog, Blog, Blog! It's Blo-og, Blo-og, it's big, it's heavy, it's wood. It's Blo-og, Blo-og, it's better than bad, it's good! Everyone wants a Blog! You're gonna love it, Blog! Come on and get your Blog! Everyone needs a Blog!

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Punishment Island (mAc's LOST Week 18)

Saints Be Praised!!!! We did NOT have to wait until mid-April for another episode. This week is all Locke-ety Goodness. That poor, poor bastard. Got screwed out of a kidney by his own DAD! That is SO weak! But how did he lose the use of his legs? No one knows. Boone gets WRECKED and by seeing previews for next week, might not make it. Oh well. Though I hope it's a ruse and they kill Claire. Stupid baby-Lady is an-noy-ing. OK, so Punishment Island? On his eternal (and fruitless) quest to open the magic hatch, Locke begins losing the use of his legs. Shame on him for trying to solve the mystery of the island! (cue Island: "And I would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you meddling survivors!). Closing shot? Apparently the locked chamber contains whatever crap was in the Pulp Fiction briefcase. A yellow light bulb. How exciting. And where's my monster??? Get LOST. Also, get yourself an ALIAS.

Monday, March 28, 2005


Originally uploaded by macslost.
Countdown to SIN CITY. This movie is going to be the most wicked display of awe-inducing sickness that I will have set my eyes on since, say, Fight Club. I predict at least one person to pass out before the film ends. With a smile on their face. It might even be me. Bring it, Marv. Oh, and I did NOT do the math wrong on this one. I will be seeing it Wednesday night. Update to follow, unless my eyes fell out and I can't type anymore. Yes, I do have to look at the keyboard to type. Bite me.


Originally uploaded by macslost.
This show's second season finale creeped me the hell out. Like "Bob-crawling-through-the-window" creeped out. After season one, I was totally engrossed in a dirty, "Grapes of Wrath"-esque Twin Peaks tale. It had interesting characters, weird arcs and bizarre images. Now, unlike Twin Peaks, each image MEANT something. And last night's finale left me more than satisfied. You know why? Because unlike OTHER shows with wide arcs (LOST) and shows that ignore 1/2 of the arcs (Twin Peaks Season 2), Carnivale WRAPPED THEM ALL UP in a way that no way felt rushed or contrived. And the tragedy was handled with such simplicity that when the credits ran, you couldn't help but feel bad for these people. And the journey is not over yet. Give us a Season Three, people!!!

Sunday, March 27, 2005

With a Rebel Yell!

With a Rebel Yell!
Originally uploaded by macslost.
I hit the concert circle late in life and have had a pretty extensive checklist of bands that I HAD to see before I died. Well, before THEY died, at least. Seems to happen more on their side. By which I got screwed out of Nirvana by 3 months and Alice in Chains (though I did get to see Mad Season a few times, so it was almost good enough). Anyway, I digress. After working in the concert industry for over 3 years, I saw pretty much anyone worth seeing. And, unfortunately, several NOT worth seeing. You know who you are Backstreet Boys. And NO, NO ONE wants you to "come back". That's just creepy. Let's move on. Last year I FINALLY got to see Duran Duran, which only left one man on that list. Billy *#$@! Idol. And Saturday night that was checked off the list in all of the sweat and glory that is Billy. Sweet. Now that that's done, I guess I should try and find a new hobby....

Friday, March 25, 2005


Human Finger Found in Fast Food ChiliMar 23, 2005 12:27 pm US/PacificA woman who ordered chili at a San Jose Wendy's Restaurant found a cooked human finger in her bowl.The Wendy's on Monterey Highway was still open Thursday while the Santa Clara County Health Department investigated. But officials there said it was definitely a human finger -- complete with a long manicured fingernail -- and it probably did not come from a Bay Area Wendy's employee."We have no evidence of any accident within the employees at the facility itself," said Ben Gale of the Santa Clara County Health Department. "We've asked everybody to show us they have ten fingers and everything is OK there."The incident came to light about 7:20pm Wednesday, when the woman called 911."Initially she did put this object in her mouth and did bite down on it," said Dr. Marty Fensterscheib of the Santa Clara County Health Department. "Initially, she was a bit grossed out ... and vomited a number of times."The fingerprint is mutilated, but officials believe there might be enough there to run the print through a national computer to try to find the owner. The finger has jagged edges, which means it was likely lacerated by a machine -- possibly a meat grinder.The health department says Wednesday's batch of chili was likely cooked at a hot enough temperature to kill any diseases, so nobody should get sick from eating there. Health officials are trying to trace where the ingredients came from, but they've decided it's OK for the store to remain open in the meantime. "We are as anxious as anyone else to get to the bottom of this," said Wendy's spokesperson Bob Bertini. Human Finger Found in Fast Food ChiliMar 23, 2005 12:27 pm US/PacificA woman who ordered chili at a San Jose Wendy's Restaurant found a cooked human finger in her bowl.The Wendy's on Monterey Highway was still open Thursday while the Santa Clara County Health Department investigated. But officials there said it was definitely a human finger -- complete with a long manicured fingernail -- and it probably did not come from a Bay Area Wendy's employee."We have no evidence of any accident within the employees at the facility itself," said Ben Gale of the Santa Clara County Health Department. "We've asked everybody to show us they have ten fingers and everything is OK there."The incident came to light about 7:20pm Wednesday, when the woman called 911."Initially she did put this object in her mouth and did bite down on it," said Dr. Marty Fensterscheib of the Santa Clara County Health Department. "Initially, she was a bit grossed out ... and vomited a number of times."The fingerprint is mutilated, but officials believe there might be enough there to run the print through a national computer to try to find the owner. The finger has jagged edges, which means it was likely lacerated by a machine -- possibly a meat grinder.The health department says Wednesday's batch of chili was likely cooked at a hot enough temperature to kill any diseases, so nobody should get sick from eating there. Health officials are trying to trace where the ingredients came from, but they've decided it's OK for the store to remain open in the meantime. "We are as anxious as anyone else to get to the bottom of this," said Wendy's spokesperson Bob Bertini.

Friday, March 11, 2005


If you read back in October, I went skydiving with a coworker at the Perris Valley Airport and Parachuting Center, which is way out in BFE. Anyway, won't be doing THAT again. Not after this.

Potty Training

Potty Training
Originally uploaded by macslost.
Last Monday, while I was patiently wandering around doing NOTHING for three hours before our DVD party at the House of Blues began, I came across a lovely sign painted on the wall outside. It read, "Favor de no orinarse en este lugar" and under it was the English translation, "Please do not urinate in the work area." Personally I prefer Alta Vista's Babel Fish translation, "Please not to tinkle in this place." Aren't foreign languages fun?

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Peanut Butter + Curry = ?

Peanut Butter + Curry = ?
Originally uploaded by macslost.
Being a sucker for Peanut Butter, imagine my surprise when I discovered that there is a gourmet Peanut Butter store where I can get such fine, fine combinations as Raspberry Dark Chocolate PB, White Chocolate PB, Cinnamon & Spice PB and yes, Curry PB. I wonder which one goes best with pickles? Because nothing beats a peanut butter and dill pickle sandwich. Nothing.

Save Toby

Save Toby
Originally uploaded by macslost.
Good God. If I knew I could make this much money with animal terrorism, I would never have bothered with college. (Not that I finished that either, but still.)

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Best. Trailer. Ever.

Best. Trailer. Ever.
Originally uploaded by macslost.
Sure the Star Wars trailer was intense with lots of CGI and pretty flashing lights topped with a Wookie and a promise, but wanna see something REALLY cool? Make sure you pee first, lest you create an unsightly stain in your Underoos.

Stupid Words

The other day I was admiring my friend's handy Autobot-Transformer BBQ/cooler wagon thing and it had a "Thermos" logo on it. I swear I never knew that Thermos was actually a brand name. What the hell do they call the other, uh, liquid cooler-keeper-hotter containers? I'm sure it's something fancy (addendum: they are known as a vacuum flask or a dewar. Both of which makes me think of an alcoholic or Whisky). Like when I was assembling a cabinet at my folks the other day, after all of the hard work was done, the final touch was adding the "pressure applied adhesive screw covers". To which I held up a sheet of white stickers and simply shook my head. That being said, there's only ONE TiVo. The other "Digital Video Recorders" are crap.

Monday, March 07, 2005


It's back! Granted, I only finished watching Season One two days ago, but it's back and now I can bask in real-time with the rest of the converts. Deadwood has returned to TV and after so FOOLISHLY letting it slip by me last year (my claim was that I had too much TV to watch with the 30+ other shows to add a new one. Pshaw. Since then I think I am up to 40-something. God bless TiVo and all of it's glories funneled to Earth from Heaven above. Amen.) Anyway, not since Rowdy Roddy Piper and Keith David went at it in the alleyway in They Live have I been so engrossed in a fist fight. It was *@&#*ing AWESOME.

Woo-Hoo! Star Wars!

Woo-Hoo! Star Wars!
Originally uploaded by macslost.
You know what? I am excited for the new Star Wars movie. You know why? Because if it's GOOD, it's gonna be an awesome battle-fest to the death. And if it's BAD, at least I get to watch all of these annoying characters die. So either way, I win.

Saturday, March 05, 2005


Remember THE FLY? The one with Jeff Goldblum? You know, he teleports himself and then starts mutating into slimy fly guy and pukes acid on things and then slurps it up? Sure you do. OK, now, do you remember that LORD OF THE RINGS trilogy that came out not too long ago? You probably remember that too. And you probably know that Howard Shore, the guy that did the music for the trilogy, got, like, 3 Academy Awards for it as well, right? OK, so what do these 2 things have a common? The honorable Mr. Shore is about the grace the world with THE FLY: THE OPERA. Yes. All I hope and pray for is Gallagher-esque spraying of the audience during the puke scenes. Please?

Zombies = Terrorism

Apparently, the new influx of zombie movies have made an impression on redneck law enforcement. As Roscoe P. Coltraine used to say, "Gyook-gyook-gyook-gyook!"

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Closure Island (mAc's LOST Week 17)

Before I get into this week's recap, I have two things I need to bring up. One: I am going to need to retitle this again as "Closure Island". Explaination forthcoming. Second. NO NEW EPISODES UNTIL MID APRIL!!!! Sadistic Nazi Bastards. Unacceptable. OK, this week! Hurley's backstory! Finally! OK, so it turns out that Hurley uses some numbers that a crazy guy at the mental ward we works at to win the lottery! And now he's cursed. House burns down, family breaks bones, gramps dies, life goes crazy. But the more bad things happen, the more money he makes! And apparently owns a nice BOX COMPANY (ahem, will Locke appear in the next flashback?). So he hunts down the origin of this "cursed" number sequence, which brings him to Australia. All Hurley wants is for someone to agree with him that the numbers are cursed, really, but everyone blows him off and explains away all of the random occurences. When he explains it to Charlie, even he tells him it's nonsense (and if you can't trust a junkie, who can you trust?) That all changes when Hurley sees the same number sequence on Crazy French Lady's papers that Sayid has. Adventure abounds! Hurley, Jack, Charlie and Sayid run off through the woods to find CFL. Of course they are going to ask her for a battery for Michaels stupid boat trip (I wonder if Cuba Gooding will show up for that?) but no one cares about that. What about the damn numbers? Hurley finally gets to talk to her after lots of shooting, running and exploding takes place. And what does he get from her? Closure. She thinks the numbers are cursed as well, as they were what led her boat to wreck on the island. And for that? She gets a hug! And now Hurley is happy. This was the point at which all of the other flachbacks now make more sense. Jack/Dad, Sawyer/Murder, Michael/Abandoned Son, Sayid/Torture, Kate/Murder, Charlie/Junkie, Claire/Motherhood, Locke/Survivalist. It's all coming together now. Is this really Purgatory? And once you find closure, do you have to wait for EVERYONE to find it before you get to leave? If so, we best either start introducing a few more of the floating 40 or kill a few more off. And where's my monster??? Get LOST. Also, get yourself an ALIAS.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

If only it was plush...

If only it was plush...
Originally uploaded by macslost.
All I EVER needed was my very own Patrick Bateman action figure. You know, just something to keep on the edge of the desk at work. A little...reminder. Have you seen my new business card?