What rolls down stairs alone or in pairs, Rolls over your neighbor's dog? What's great for a snack and fits on your back? It's Blog, Blog, Blog! It's Blo-og, Blo-og, it's big, it's heavy, it's wood. It's Blo-og, Blo-og, it's better than bad, it's good! Everyone wants a Blog! You're gonna love it, Blog! Come on and get your Blog! Everyone needs a Blog!

Friday, February 25, 2005

Manifestation Island (mAc's LOST Week 16)

OK, so far we have known that Jin is a dick. But now we go back to the initial flashback and it turns out he's not actually a bad guy! Plus we get to see Sun slap Michael in his annoying face. And as I have said before, a staple of any good show is a nice solid slap. Today's "spot the connection" goes to Hurley, as he appears on TV in the background! Yay me! for being so observant. So now we all understand that Jin isn't so bad! He's actually a good guy! And then Sun speaks English. She is dead to him now. How dare she learn a foreign language? Bitch. The plus side? Jin ain't stopping her from wearing skimpy bikinis on the beach! Next Week! Hurley! Guns! Bridges! Woo-Hoo! Get LOST. Also, get yourself an ALIAS.

Thursday, February 24, 2005


Originally uploaded by macslost.
Being a pimp for Disney's DVD department lends itself to some damn fine perks (like the Playboy Mansion, amen). THIS week, I had the chance to visit Pixar studios and see so much awesomeness that all I could do was stare with a stupid grin on my face. Much like this photo here. (Behind me is a life size duplicate of the desk & trophies in Mr. Incredible's office.) Wicked.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Rain, Rain, Come And Stay...

Noah Ark
Originally uploaded by macslost.
This is getting a little ridiculous. And it's only Sunday, with the downpour lasting through Thursday (and that includes the pouring through our AC vents). I'm going to need wood to build a boat, but I need a boat to get to the lumber yard anyway, so I am screwed no matter what. Good thing I learned how to tread water a long time ago.

No Kitty! Bad Kitty!

Lost Lion
Originally uploaded by macslost.
Stay away from my chicken pot pie! Um, did someone lose a cat?

Friday, February 18, 2005

Manifestation Island (mAc's LOST Week 15)

And so it begins. As we get further into the season, we now go BACK to the initial flashbacks and get a deeper glimpse into what REALLY happened. This week Sawyer is revisited and we find out why he really was in Australia. And a T-1000 cameo! (Sorry, but as much as I enjoy Robert Patrick, he'll always be the T-1000. "But what about his playing Daggett on X-Files?" To which I respond, "Um, who was even WATCHING that season?" But I digress.) Sawyer got tricked into capping a dude and Jack's Dad convinced him to do it. "Say wha'?" Yeah, you heard me. Get LOST. Also, get yourself an ALIAS.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Ice Cream + Homeless Man + Wheelchair = ?

OK, so on the way to see Constantine at the Mann 6, we generally have to pass by the typical Hollywood throng of tourists, homeless and homeless tourists. Generally the homeless folk stay out of your way and the tourists get in your way, so it protects the delicate balance of Hollywood Nature. Tonight, as I giddly skip to see something of a demonic nature, supernatural forces made an attempt (albeit a weak one) to thwart our journey. Crossing Orange, 1/2 way through the intersection, we encounter a homeless man trying to push a wheelchair with one hand and carry a bowl of ice cream with the other. Without hesitation, Homeless Man releases the wheelchair (thus allowing it to roll away in the street) and proceeds to block our path (and I do mean block, a-la that basketball game thing that I do not watch). And with many not-so-swift lunges of his now wheelchair-free hand, attempts to put a heaping spoon of Ice Cream into our mouths. It took some Matrix-style dodging and weaving, but we managed to avoid consuming what may have been a special Mad Dog blend from Coldstone Creamery. In hindsight, it would probably have been tasty...

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Digital/Demon Conversion

Digital/Demon Conversion
Originally uploaded by macslost.
I'm seeing Constantine tonight. It's full of CGI and Keanu Reeves. 'Ted' plays a lone demon hunter, trapped between Heaven and Hell and has to reluctantly save the world by passing between Earth and Hell, fighting all sorts of things. Sound familiar? Devil's Advocate meets The Matrix? That was my assumption at first, but I hear good things. I have been twitching in my chair for a few days waiting to see it tonight. I'll let you know. UPDATE!!!! Constantine kicks ASS. Awesome effects, great characters, no idiot-explainations. 'nuff said. Check it OUT.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Not quite a member of the NRA

Not quite a member of the NRA
Originally uploaded by macslost.
As a DVD pimp, I tend to get a LOT of DVDs for free. Which is quite literally a dream come true, but as a Scorpio, I cannot be limited to a single obsession. And now that my hard earned cash is no longer going through direct deposit to Best Buy, it has been burning holes in various pairs of jeans. Which is quite unfashionable in LA. It's SO 80's White Trash. Unlike the trash Von Dutch makes. But I digress. 10 years ago, I ran across a Pulse Rifle from the movie Aliens. At the time, being a poor college kid, all I could do was gaze lustfully at it and maybe lick the glass once. Or twice. Anyway, for my 30th birthday, my lovely fiancee hooked me up with the Hellboy Samaritan, which I had been coveting since April when they all sold out in 10 seconds and I got screwed. After getting it, the Gollum in the back of my head said I needed MORE than one "precious". And so the eBay trolling began. I got the Blade Runner pistol, Robocop's handgun, Crichton's Winona and many more. But I still had a hole in my heart. Until today. Yes. Today. I found it. It is mine. Must now wait for the mailman. Yeeesssssss....it comes....

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Manifestation Island (mAc's LOST Week 14)

What happened last night? More junkie Charlie flashbacks. Nothing new. Claire remembers nothing. BUT! People got WHACKED. And I mean dead-whacked, not slapped (which in and of itself is usually amusing and THE OC has been lacking in this element lately.) But other than that...where are the new back-stories? No new characters? What about the monster? Crazy French lady? Other people on the island? Jack-Kate-Sawyer triangle? Boat, anyone? Oh, yeah, HEY LOCKE! You dig up that damn bunker yet? No? Well then, you should keep it a secret til May sweeps. It can wait. Jackass. I overheard someone mention why they still watch LOST. It's not to see WHAT happens, it's in case something DOES happen. JJ, in your effort to "fix" Alias from last year, you have stuck yourself in 2 new corners with downhill results. LOST: You have 10 plotlines and never any resolution and lately, they don't even get mentioned. ALIAS? There ARE no plotlines! It's become the X-Files with a monster of the week (of course I hated the alien plotline of that show, but still...). Unless you count the "Oooh, WHEN will Sloan go bad again?" But seriously, that's kinda old now, too. SOMEBODY do SOMETHING. PLEASE. That being said, they are 2 of the best shows on TV. Get LOST. Also, get yourself an ALIAS.

Monday, February 07, 2005


Originally uploaded by macslost.
Yummy. I have been in early talks to get my ass into the first possible screening of this. It has one of the largest casts I have ever seen, ranging in talent from Clive Owen and Benecio del Toro to Bruce Willis and Mickey Rourke. Throw in Josh Hartnett, Nick Stahl and the tasty Jessica Alba and Rosario Dawson and I think you have about 1/2 the cast listed. So since I have to work on the DVD later this summer, it's IMPORTANT for me to see it, uh, NOW. Yes, NOW, please.

Saturday, February 05, 2005


Originally uploaded by macslost.
So when this mini-series aired earlier this year, there was a lot of controversy over it as to whether or not it would live up to the original series or not (after viewing an old episode, it couldn't be that hard). Edward James Olmos wasn't doing much positive press on it and Richard Hatch (Apollo from the old series with Dirk "Face from A-Team" Benedict" as Starbuck) had been shopping around his own treatment on the project. When I saw it being added as a regular series on Fridays on Sci-Fi Channel, I thought. "Sigh, another show for the mix. I better get the mini-series and check it out before the season starts, in case it's any good." And I is. I have only one word to descibe it. ROCK. This show is probably the best one on TV right now. It is certainly being touted as the "Best Sci-Fi Show" on TV, but I watch a LOT of TV and this show by FAR has the best acting, characters and storyline of anything out there. Granted, there's none of that quick witted snarky humor like Scrubs or Gilmore Girls, but it has all of the grit that the first Star Wars and Blade Runner had. It's dirty, machines are broken, they have to scavenge for water and the whole time the damn dirty Cylons are hunting them down to wipe out the last of the human race. So yeah, it's well worth the time. It has already been picked up for a full second season. Sweet. My TiVo runneth over. (Side note, 'Medium' is also a great mid-season addition. 'Point PLeasant' blew balls. Shame on you Marti, you can do better.)