What rolls down stairs alone or in pairs, Rolls over your neighbor's dog? What's great for a snack and fits on your back? It's Blog, Blog, Blog! It's Blo-og, Blo-og, it's big, it's heavy, it's wood. It's Blo-og, Blo-og, it's better than bad, it's good! Everyone wants a Blog! You're gonna love it, Blog! Come on and get your Blog! Everyone needs a Blog!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Take a jaundiced view!

Good afternoon,

You're an estimable buyer and we afford you some data and updates.

Our logs indicate that you perhaps have necessity in a supplement.

We apologize and hope you will take a jaundiced view at medicaments we sell. Again, let us introduce our drugs at attractive prices which may be urgent needed.

We also offer you impeccable customer care. Please, visit our web site at:


Yours Respectfully, Support Centre

Monday, November 28, 2005

E-Mail of the day!


Your current situation has been appraised to the essential peoples, and upon wise reflection, we are able to proffer to you the ensuing prospect.

Based upon wise reflection you certify to receive a openhanded rield on your original property investment.

By completing the ensuing attached form in a timely manner we will be able to conclude our evaluation, and we feel positive you will receive not only a decreased rate of interest, but also a cash return that will implement all your holiday needs and more!

Please go here to conclude this portion of the arrangement.

With sincerest regards,

Anna Hughes

Should you prefer not to take gain of this holiday prospect you can go here.

Friday, November 25, 2005

R.I.P. Mr. Miyagi

R.I.P. Mr. Miyagi
Originally uploaded by macslost.
Wax off this mortal coil, my friend. For a generation of us, 'Wax on, wax off", the crane kick, Cobra Kai and so much more will forever be engrained in our hearts and minds. And one day...one day... I WILL catch that fly with my chopsticks. Of course, I will order a new pair to eat with, because flies are germ carrying vermin. They eat poop.

When M&Ms go bad...

When M&Ms go bad...
Originally uploaded by macslost.
Once they turn, it's the children who will pay...with their LIVES. Or at least a few stitches.

Drop the ball, human.

Drop the ball, human.
Originally uploaded by macslost.
The Captain is starting to realize the full potential and practical uses of his powers. I am investing in a lead apron.

No escape this time, Sydney...

No escape this time, Sydney...
Originally uploaded by macslost.
You have until May. Then, well, you know how it goes. (ch-chck) ... (BLAM!) ... (thump)

Steal Legos? Go To Lego Jail.

Steal Legos? Go To Lego Jail.
Originally uploaded by macslost.
When I lived in Seattle, I used to love going down to Portland to visit. I had a lot of great friends there at the time (though none now, oddly) and the city itself is a unique creature. Though maybe not as unique as some of it's indiginous lifeforms. Check this one out.

I Heart Guns

I Heart Guns
Originally uploaded by macslost.
Space-y ones, that is! So you may have seen my blogs from the past with the Hellboy Samaritan (30th birthday present...sweet) and the Aliens Pulse Rifle, but behold the power of them ALL. I have the warm fuzzies inside. Can you guess what all 30 are?

My Little Black Heart

My Little Black Heart
Originally uploaded by macslost.
All week on the radio I have heard the "ads" for the new System of a Down Syndrome "album". Which triggered a feeling not unlike a writhing ball of snakes in my chest as I tried not to vomit in my mouth. This then triggered venomous tastes, blinding images and hateful sounds inside me as a montage of things that I hate overwhelmed me...Nickleback, broccolli, sour cream, cream cheese, micro-management, asparagus, trucker hats, mayonnaise, school, Creed, and so much more. I hate you Daron Malakian. You die. You go to hell and you die.

Say Cheese!!!

Say Cheese!!!
Originally uploaded by macslost.
Good Boy! (note to animal activists: I was in no way abusing Captain Awesome since he was ALREADY chewing on my hands, thus they were already in his mouth to begin with. The Captain rulz!)

Me install sink! RAAAAAAHH!!!

Me install sink! RAAAAAAHH!!!
Originally uploaded by macslost.
Me have skills! Me do the impossibleness! Me no need no plumber! Me powerful!!! OOH-OOH-AAAAAHHHH!!!!!!

3 week hiatus ends

3 week hiatus ends
Originally uploaded by macslost.
The house is done (for now). The blog has been deficient of late, but due to some increasing work issues and the last-minute scramble to finish the house in time for the housewarming party, all blog posts kind of got stored up and bumped to today, the BIGGEST SHOPPING DAY OF THE YEEEEAAAAAARRRR!!!! Or a day to spend online and go to the movies, if you're me. Though I do plan on getting out and taking some photos of the wildlife. The real crazies will have returned to their caves with their loot by the time I go out, but there'll be some real nutbags left, I'm sure. And I'm in Phoenix, so the weird factor increases somewhat exponentially over the LA crowd. But I digress; the house is done. A photo album online is in the works.

Friday, November 04, 2005


Originally uploaded by macslost.
(Movieland adendum. well, 2nd posting anyway) This is supposed to be Buckwheat from Little Rascals. They, uh, really didn't try all that hard. (hey, we have this mannequin from Sears. got a can of brown spraypaint? wig? straw hat? we're good to go!) Bill Cosby is suing as I type.

Butt & Arnie

Originally uploaded by macslost.
Butt's actually don't have anything to do with this, but there are some asses involved. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I made a funny!!! Get it? Anyway, courtesy of Allistair today, we have a lovely Flash animated treat.

Heat Vision!

Originally uploaded by macslost.
Captain's powers are coming along nicely! Now we can get his amulet glowing and fire off some heat rays! Which saves on energy, so that's an added bonus. Also, he's learning to lay down, which is good.

My Humps, Your Humps, Our Humps

Originally uploaded by macslost.
And the winner is Robot's Humps. Little Lost Robot has created something of sheer wonder and delight. A tittilating tin treat if you will. (OK, that was a little gay, but I meant it) Check out the greatness of the Black Eyed 'Bots.


Originally uploaded by macslost.
OK, I know that's the Hulk's line, but still, Kong gets his rampage ON. How many more days do I have to wait? Seriously.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Me and George

Mac and George
Originally uploaded by macslost.
See kids? Drinking and smoking can keep you alive FOREVER!!! Apparently news of his death was slightly exaggerated. JUST KIDDING! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Due to Amanda's awesome idea (and love of field trips) a group of us hit the final weekend of Movieland in Buena Park (BFE). Wax museums are awesome. Always. All the exhibits have these great light rays like the 7-11 door that ding if someone tries to cross it. Though honestly, I think anyone could grab something out of a display pretty easily. Though what you would want with Robin Williams in his tux from the "What Dreams May Come" premiere, I do not know. However, Billy Ray "Mullet-boy" Cyrus had some kickin' 'Back to The Future' high tops on. Surprisingly, it took us over 2 hours to get through the museum. It would have been quicker but we had to escape the dude that was turning people into wax figures. (probably a House of Wax DVD stunt). Afterwards, we grubbed down at Claimjumpers (which always rules. I could kill for their chicken tortilla soup), where the waitress told us that the Po'Folk's restaurant by Movieland was actually a pretty good place to eat, if it weren't for the "Knott's Berry Farm People" that eat there. Dirt People indeed.

Dear Halloween, I love you

I love Halloween. It's arguably the best Holiday of the year. I mean, there's no presents like Christmas, so that sucks, but it's all about partying with friends and dressing up in obnoxious costumes, which rules, so it's got that going for it. Then there's the constant horror movie marathons and massive candy intake, so all in all, it's a good holiday. (However, the Christmas decorations coming out before Halloween is OUT OF CONTROL and these jackasses should be fined. What IS that?! Seriously, if you love them that much, just leave them up all year round.) Anyway, after having Halloween sneak up on me due various life drama, I stole a Herbie: Fully Loaded costume from our DVD stunt and bought some fake tits and a wig and went as Lindsay Lohan. Man, people really love grabbing boobs. Myself included. Posted by Picasa