It's being made! Oh, glorious day! A good thing, too. I haven't been able to find any new additions for months! Had to hand-make Grindhouse and Escape from New York.
What rolls down stairs alone or in pairs, Rolls over your neighbor's dog? What's great for a snack and fits on your back? It's Blog, Blog, Blog! It's Blo-og, Blo-og, it's big, it's heavy, it's wood. It's Blo-og, Blo-og, it's better than bad, it's good! Everyone wants a Blog! You're gonna love it, Blog! Come on and get your Blog! Everyone needs a Blog!
It's being made! Oh, glorious day! A good thing, too. I haven't been able to find any new additions for months! Had to hand-make Grindhouse and Escape from New York.
Hot DAMN. At least it's over anyway. I have 2 days to enjoy before the madness begins again. Next week has some sweet activities going on, so there's that to look forward to, anyway.
Being an adult is exhausting. To give you an idea how exhausting, I've actually been sleeping til 8-8:30 this week. Which I NEVER do. Even in my worst shape, like up til 4AM, still awake at 7 or 7:30. And last week I had a physical on Tuesday and a dentist appointment Thursday. In between, my blood pressure went from 110/70 to 130/80. That's the kind of week it was.
I've been meaning to put a blog post up for a few days, but things keep getting added to it and finally I've given up on keeping track and decided to just lay it all out.