In case you don't know me, I watch a LOT of damn TV. Probably too much, but I love it and I don't care what you think, so let's move on. We all have our favorite shows, but let's face it, as good as LOST or GILMORE GIRLS or ALIAS is, there are certainly disappointing episodes that take place throughout the season. There are only two shows on TV that are consistently jaw-dropping and satisfying from beginning to end while successfully carrying a year-long plot. One is of course BATTLESTAR GALACTICA (or Kick-Asstica as I like to call it) and the other is VERONICA MARS. It's also the only show I have ever seen that is carried by only one female lead and an all male supporting cast. The show is a fantastic blend of Buffy the Vampire Slayer (minus demons) and The OC. A little Scooby-Doo-ish, but in a great way. Anyway, it is now in direct competition with LOST, so it's a damn good thing I have more than one TiVo. And VCR.