Heeey, reader. Whaat's Happening.
Yeeeaaaaah. OK, I LOVE Halloween. Best holiday after Labor Day. Bill Lumbergh rocked the house stupid. I'm gonna have to ask you to go ahead and agree with me. Thaaaanks.
What rolls down stairs alone or in pairs, Rolls over your neighbor's dog? What's great for a snack and fits on your back? It's Blog, Blog, Blog! It's Blo-og, Blo-og, it's big, it's heavy, it's wood. It's Blo-og, Blo-og, it's better than bad, it's good! Everyone wants a Blog! You're gonna love it, Blog! Come on and get your Blog! Everyone needs a Blog!
Yeeeaaaaah. OK, I LOVE Halloween. Best holiday after Labor Day. Bill Lumbergh rocked the house stupid. I'm gonna have to ask you to go ahead and agree with me. Thaaaanks.
The last thing I remember before this was taking another shot of tequila...also, it's damn cold up there. Apparently we fell 8000 feet at 125 miles per hour. We didn't get to do a nosedive though, which was disappointing. Or a loop-de-looop. And the last time I had that many straps around me I was being fed pills three times a day in a paper cup. All around good times, I tell ya. The jump, not the pills.