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Sunday, October 24, 2004

The NEW Legion of Nerdly Doom

My bestest friend Joss & me
Originally uploaded by macslost.

Yeah, so Joss Whedon threw a Kerry fundraiser and Willow, Xander, Wesley, Jonathan, Fred and many came out to play with me. The only other person at the event was Dinah, as you can clearly see in the other photos. (anyone else in the background is either a caterer or bartender.) Nice guy. I totally stole his wallet. It had Velcro flaps.

The NEW Legion of Nerdly Doom
Originally uploaded by macslost.

Here's me filling out the new Legion of Nerdly Doom. Under the Men's Room sign. Um, right. We're men. We're manly men. I feel the need to spit. CLICK on either of the photos for the rest of the batch featuring the rest of the kids. End Post 1. I rule.


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