Sunday, April 03, 2005
Saturday, April 02, 2005
Hellz. Yes.
I'm gonna EAT ME SOME PEOPLE. "Jaws: Unleashed." Soon to be "mAc: unleAshed." But not soon enough.
Friday, April 01, 2005
The End Is Nigh
Tonight is the last episode of Season One of Battlestar Galactica and Part 2 from last week. Starbuck has jumped, on her own, back to Caprica. The Cyclon Command Ship has found the fleet. There will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth tonight. I'm going to go ahead and give it 5 stars. I haven't seen it yet, but it will deserve it.
Prettier In Pink. Pretty Crappy is what it is.
No good can come of this. John Hughes has done no good since Uncle Buck in 1989. And because of this, he has decided that he can do a sequel to Pretty In Pink. Of course McCarthy, Ringwald and Cryer are returning in their roles for the 20th Anniversary release, but Hughes has decided that he's going to get more suitors for Molly in the shape of Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt. Seriously? Brad Pitt vs. Tom Cruise vs. Jon Cryer. For Molly Ringwald. Yes, let's have a competition by all means. I take it that the loser gets Molly and the winner gets a paycheck and a first class ticket out of the movie? Ugh.
The countdown to SIN CITY Viewing #2. After seeing it on Wednesday, I was blown away, but still trying to wrap my head around the movie. The visuals are so amazing that you get distracted by various elements and might miss story points. This isn't a bad thing, it just means you have a lot to look forward to on a second viewing. WARNING: Unlike other comic book movies that have come out in the past few years, this is NOT an adaptation. This is a living, breathing comic book. A Black & White animated storyboard. The dialogue is comic book, the action is comic book, the characters are comic book. And it's the pulpiest of pulp. If you don't like that, "You're a damned fool." Bask in the glory that is Mickey Rourke as Marv. It's his finest role of all time. And yes, this includes Double Team with Van Damme and Rodman. Devon Aoki as Miho is a homicidal treat. My only complaint was the waste of space that was Michael Madsen. Seriously, the man was amazing as Bud in Kill Bill. This was just flat. Elijah Wood. I don't want to spoil anything, but Elijah's character is absolutely fascinating to watch. I'm almost as giddy to see it again today as I was on Wednesday. Oh, WARNING #2: Lot of genital mutilation. So if that BOTHERS you, then, well, maybe this isn't for you.