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Wednesday, March 07, 2007


HEROES, originally uploaded by macslost.

This show is rocking my face off 37 ways to Sunday. The way they up the ante every week, is impossibly awesome, but I started to worry. What if they pull a 'Lost'? What if all that build up to 'the hatch' just falls apart and no one cares anymore? GAAAAAH! That would SUCK to no end.

Luckily, that's not the case. Creator Tim Kring has come out stating that the show is NOT like Lost. What we are watching right now is VOLUME 1. Not Season 1. Next season will see all new heroes, and new plots, with only some characters appearing from time to time.

@*!^#$ RAD!

Of course, I'm still writhing inside from the fact that we don't get to see Peter vs. Sylar until April 23rd!


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