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Friday, March 03, 2006

The new LOST?

The new LOST?
Originally uploaded by macslost.
Having been a fan of Michael J. Straz...Straczy...Mike The Pole's comic series RISING STARS, and then USA's semi-Shyamalan's 'Unbreakable' approach to it with THE 4400, I gotta say, this sounds pretty damn good to ME. Besides, Greg Grunberg rulz. And Ali Larter is hot. And that Jess dude from Gilmore Girls is alright...

TV Guide's Michael Ausiello has posted a great rundown of NBC's upcoming pilot Heroes, which he says might just be the next Lost! Dave Semel (American Dreams) will direct the pilot about ordinary people who discover they have superpowers. The show stars Greg Grunberg, Ali Larter and Milo Ventimiglia. Here's a clip:

Just as Lost isn't really a show about a haunted island, Heroes isn't a show about crusaders, caped or otherwise. It's about people — albeit ones with extraordinary quirks. "I kind of want to stay away from the superhero aspect," says Kring. "It's about very ordinary people all over the world who literally discover that they have special powers, and it's their dealing with that." The superheroes, er, ordinary people include a 30-year-old male nurse who believes he can fly — and, unlike R. Kelly, really can; a 28-year-old junkie who has the ability to paint images of the future; a 33-year-old Las Vegas showgirl who can do incredible things with mirrors; a 24-year-old Japanese comic-book geek who literally makes time stand still; a 31-year-old inmate who can transport himself through walls (eat your heart out, Michael Scofield); and a 17-year-old cheerleader who defies death at every turn (think of Bruce Willis in Unbreakable, only with blonde hair and big pom-poms)


Blogger JL said...

Next year is the year of the superhero TV. Seriously.

There's Ultra and Blade.
And there's that "you wanna be a superhero" reality show by Stan lee.

It's gonna be totally rad.

7:22 AM


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