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Friday, July 04, 2008

Down the Star Wars rabbit hole

I started the morning messing around on eBay, in case there were any items that I needed for my gun wall (alas, nay). Then I saw THIS awesome little piece that I will need to order for my Christmas decoration box, because really, it's retardation exceeds awesomeness levels.


How RAD is that? So then I started thinking maybe I was coveting a full-size Han in Carbonite and wondered if they even exist? OH, WHAT I DID FIND.


I have found that which I doth covetest mostest in this world. Fan-frickin-TASTIC.

Then, with that discovery, I dug further and found a hilarious site called Geekologie, which I have since added to my bookmark bar. Here I found a plethora of entertaining material, inclusing the gun video in the post below. Anyway, they have a list of rejected Star Wars merchandising, which is a crying shame, because who wouldn't pay top-dollar for something as rad as THIS?!


I know, I know, I'm a geek, leamme alone, but for serious, this stuff is awesome.


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