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Saturday, October 20, 2007

Look! I'm on AOL!

So one of my guys at AOL asked me to participate in their Top 25 Under 25 feature that they ran on the industry buzz for 25 up-and-comers. He assigned me Anna-Sophia Robb and Josh Hutcherson because I worked on Bridge to Terabithia with them in it, so I got to write up why they might actually "make it". Though honestly Anna-Sophia Robb's got some serious chops in a Natalie Portman kinda way. Anyway, look! I ranked above Jason Reitman!

AOL Top 25 Under 25 ARROW.jpg


Blogger Jeffery Evans said...

I NEEEED to be able to click through that mention to a website. I NEEEED it...

3:39 PM


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