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Tuesday, June 21, 2005

System of a Down Syndrome

I don't pretend to have great taste in music. Not that I'm retarded about it, dancing around to Ashlee Simpson or Dave Matthews or somethng, but I have no ear for music itself and thus try not to criticize that which I do not understand. But you have to draw the line somewhere, stating in a nice clear voice, "This is the worst thing ever. Shut your spit-cave and go back to the dank hole from whence you came, foul beast." I have now added the 2 new singles from System of a Down to this shameful pile. 'B.Y.O.B.' and 'Violent Pronography' sound like some kick-ass white trash songs like something you would get from Andrew W.K. Alas, this is not the case here. With BYOB, the song goes from System's standard speed metal wannabe lyrics to a KISS-FM/Pop 40 chorus that starts with a La-La-La-La-La-La-La-La, ooOooOOooh! and proceeds into the lamest dance-lyric line "Everbody's going to the party have a real good time...". My initial response to this was a simple "Whaaaaa?", but has since spiraled to a dirty feeling and a nervous chuckle. I am genuinely embarrased for them. Then comes the follow-up single, 'Violent Pornography'. It should be good, right? You can't put that title out there and have it suck, right? I mean, that's just a waste of a great song title, right? Sigh. Right. And damn, do they waste it. Not only does the main part of the song basically consist of just repeating the word 'everybody' as quickly as possible, and in the tone to which you would mockingly mimic someone, but here's the chorus:

It's a non-stop disco
Bet you it's Nabisco
Betcha didn't know

It's a non-stop disco
Bet you it's Nabisco
Betcha didn't know

It's a non-stop disco
Betcha didn't know
Betcha didn't know

It's a non-stop disco
Betcha didn't know
Betcha didn't know
Betcha didn't know

And no, I'm not kidding. I can't make this crap up. And to top it off, the lead singer is the ugliest dude ever. For serious.


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