Christmas NOW
So now that it's the Christmas season, it's time to represent!
This weekend was spent hitting up all sorts of Christmas goodness and a great way to kick off the December X-Mas madness. (X-Mas by far my favorite holiday. well, maybe tied with Halloween, but there's a whole MONTH to celebrate X-Mas.)
Anyway, Friday night we ended up scoring tickets to A John Waters Christmas at UCLA. It was hilariously filthy and everything I hoped it would be. We went with with good friends Amanda and Eyad and lo & behold, 4 seats to my right? Good friends Alf & Danielle! Which was a total surprise. Mostly because I didn't read Alf's blog earlier in the day. Anyway! Good time had by all.
Saturday I started untangling and hanging the lights on the house. I only succeeded in finishing the two front bushes before having to go work a silly event on the Disney lot, but after that Dinah & I hit up the Merry Members night at the Zoo!

We scored some hot chocolate and churros (best reason to go to the zoo! well, after animals, I guess) and got our photo snapped with the Christmas Monkey! After that we wandered a bit and came to realize that this type of event was really for kids, so we wandered merrily back out. Eating a churro, of course. (Side note: This piece of 'art' is in the petting zoo area. No matter what angle you stand at, the kids hand is up the goat's ass. WTF?)

On the way home we started planning on when/where we should get a tree and Dinah mentioned there was one in the lot hidden in the Ghetto-Mall by our house. So in a moment of spontaneity, we were all, like, "Let's just get it now!" So we did. It's a beautiful tree, it was totally cheap and the fine folks at the little lot were super sweet and even tied it to the roof of my car for us! Rock on. Now the house smells all pine-needly.

So! Today is finishing the lights! Decorating the tree! And hitting up Holiday Party #1 with at Alf & Danielle's.
Merry Christmas! Wooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Labels: goat's ass, merry members, tree, zoo lights
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